Kontak Kami

A room with several people seated in folding chairs, attentively facing a presentation area. The environment is professional, likely a seminar or workshop, with 'Product School' illuminated on a wall. Some attendees are taking notes, and a few people are standing, possibly facilitating the event.
A room with several people seated in folding chairs, attentively facing a presentation area. The environment is professional, likely a seminar or workshop, with 'Product School' illuminated on a wall. Some attendees are taking notes, and a few people are standing, possibly facilitating the event.

Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang kursus public speaking untuk jenjang SMP-SMA.

Lokasi Kami

Kunjungi kami untuk mempelajari public speaking secara langsung dan mendapatkan pengalaman berharga dalam berbicara di depan umum.


Jl. Pendidikan No. 10


Senin - Jumat